This is the MAKE UP night... make up can change your life and perform a miracle!
and I 'm asking the whys and the wherefores....
WHYYYYYY? if you (and I say you, because of I know I have to do it) look better with make up, we don't make up everytimes?
Don't you feel, in the night when you remove your make up, like a lion tamer without a lion?!?
Questa serata la dedichiamo al MAKE UP... che tanti miracoli può fare!
e mi chiedo perchè ...
PERCHEEEEE'??? se stiamo (state, direi perchè io non me lo sono mai negata) meglio truccate, non lo facciamo sempre!??!?!
ma voi la sera quando togliete il trucco davanti allo specchio... non vi sentite come un domatore di tigri, senza tigre?!?!?
This is my palette... and I can do everything with her (please note that I use her... <3)
Look at this make up... so gorgeous!!.. very much so... I love the #BLACK OUT MAKE UP#
...ops, I have forgot to tell you that use fake eyelashes IS required!!
Beautiful inspirations:
....... And now taste a little of celebrities with&without make up, a timeless classic...
Isn't true that make up can change.. your day??
PS: please note the exception, she looks better without ( arrrrgggg che rabbia!!)
Dear Katy, don't do it again!!
Good night...
che ridere certe foto!!!